Cummins helps build the Australian cotton industry

CSD undertakes early stage seed multiplication, as well as some of its research and development, on ‘CSD Farms’, an amalgamation of three properties located between Narrabri and Wee Waa in north west New South Wales, Australia. CSD also supports R&D undertaken by CSIRO and several of its other commercial partners on its 1,170 hectares of farm land, 620 hectares of which are irrigated.
Cummins is the choice for pumping
Fifteen Cummins engines, set up as self-contained power units and designed and built by Cummins in Australia, are performing various pumping duties at CSD Farms as part of the irrigation system. “Cummins is our engine of choice,” says CSD Farms manager Mark Cathcart. “We are operating several other engine brands as well but these will eventually be changed out for Cummins.” The latest Cummins engines at CSD Farms are electronic Tier 3 QSB3.3 and QSB4.5 units and their fuel efficiency immediately became clear to Mark Cathcart. The move to electronic engine control has allowed CSD to specify smaller, more fuel efficient engines that are doing exactly the same job as the larger, older generation mechanical units.
Smaller, more efficient engines
例如,以160 hp为单位的QSB4.5比以150 hp为单位的较大机械,5.9升6bt更高的燃油效率,并且在1500 rpm的较低rpm-460 lb ft下以1500 rpm的速度提供更高的扭矩,对417 lb ft,在1600 lb ft。RPM。马克·卡斯卡特(Mark Cathcart)透露:“ QSB4.5每天将20兆(2000万升)泵入主供应渠道,每小时仅使用10升。”重要的是,高扭矩发动机的运行低至1200 rpm,它处于“最佳位置”,并有利于最佳燃油经济性。电子发动机控制的关键好处之一是,瞬时燃油消耗数据可作为操作员界面面板上的数字读数提供,从而使最有效的转速与泵送需求有关。马克·卡斯卡特(Mark Cathcart)说:“任何可帮助我们提高燃油效率的东西都很重要。”
选择康明斯还有其他原因。马克·卡斯卡特(Mark Cathcart)说:“由于澳大利亚种植者的未来品种在我们的农场上进行了筛选和生产,因此发动机的可靠性以及易于服务和零件的可用性至关重要。”csgo菠菜网roll靠谱的电竞app“我们最古老的机械康明斯发动机已经超过10,000小时,基本上lol电子竞技还没有得到例行服务。”QSB发动机以功lol电子竞技率单元设置为设置,该电源单元结合了冷却系统,该冷却系统可在最高50°C的环境温度下连续全功率操作。
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