
Overview |
挑战: | Ecologically sensitive city required reliable standby power for sewage collection system upgrade to increase safety and reduce the risk of sewage backup. | |
Cummins Solution: | 七个康明斯发电机的范围从20kpl竞猜推荐 kW到200 kW,具有声音衰减的外壳以及紧凑的足迹和传输开关。 | |
Result: | 根据我们了解关键要求的能力,通过正确的生成器组和传输开关和包装单元进行响应,以易于安装和维护。 |
Like many expanding suburbs, Camas, Washington, faced the problem of updating its aging sewage collection system to meet the needs of the city’s growing population. Located on the north bank of the Columbia River, adjacent to Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington, this ecologically sensitive town couldn’t risk any kind of sewage backup if the local electric utility failed. To increase reliability and safety, the city specified that each new lift station include a standby power generator from Cummins Power Generation Inc.
在其大多数历史上,卡马斯(人口:15,000)依靠重力喂养的升力站将污水管污水管送到处理厂。但是到1970年代,卡马斯已经扩展到北部的山脊上,因此必须使用加压系统。“自2003年左右以来,我们一直在改造现有的升降机站,并在新的细分和开发项目中安装新的升力站,” Camas废水运营主管吉姆·迪金森(Jim Dickinson)说。“新的升力站进行了预设计,并包括康明斯发电备用发电机。”摄影总共有20个电梯站;其中有7个是全新的预设计升降机。
Lift stations “pre-engineered” for reliability, fitted with Cummins generators
卡斯城工程师开始更换电梯站时设定了一些要求。可靠性,易于维护以及设计和性能的一致性是列表的首位。每个升降机站都由俄勒冈州罗斯堡的Romtec公用事业预先设计,以满足这些要求。所有组件,包括结构,机械,电气,发电和通信,均已预先设计,作为一个包装交付,并在大约一周内安装。ROMTEC公用事业公司营销和销售副总裁Mark Sheldon说:“我们之所以选择康明斯发电。”“他们收到我们的要求,并通过正确的发电机集和传输开关迅速做出响应,并且使安装和维护非常容易。”
A Cummins Power Generation solution for critical performance parameters
Camas Lift站的柴油动力备用发电机套件的范围为20至200 kW,是永久安装或便携式拖车安装的单元。功率输出规范主要取决于每个升降机泵的尺寸,该升降机的大小范围为11到35马力。从这些参数中,康明斯确定每个新升降机站的发动机,交流发电机和激发系统。坎斯提升站包括康明斯发电OTEC开放过渡转换开关,这些开关提供了从网格到发电机的安全“脱离”功率传输,然后再次返回进行测试和停电。在电源之间留出几秒钟的可编程缝隙,可以使升降机泵电动机的剩余电压完全消散,这对于保护发电机套件的交流发电机很重要。
Relying on Cummins to put it all together
Once a lift station is installed, it’s the job of the Camas wastewater operations staff to maintain them, and easy maintenance and high reliability help reduce the time they spend in the field.
“We rely on Cummins Power Generation not only to design, specify and install the generator, but also to train the operator. These combined factors give us the reliability to know that Camas will keep pumping, whether or not utility power is available.” Mark Sheldon, Vice- President for marketing and sales