Sustainability — by the Numbers
0Cummins sites achieving the company's standard for zero disposal in 2020
0Mcumulative reduction since 2014 in metric tons of carbon dioxide from products in use
0Mwomen and girls impacted by law and policy changes from Cummins Powers Women since 2018
0%women on the Cummins Executive Team overseeing company strategy in 2020
Sustainability Report
Sustainability Report
Navigating the pandemic
2020 Sustainability Progress Report
2020 Sustainability Progress Report
Where we’ve been. Where we’re going.
A history of commitment to sustainability
A history of commitment to sustainability
Sustainability and Innovation
Sustainability and Innovation

Powering the Future
Technology drives Cummins sustainability
Technology drives Cummins sustainability
Innovation begins with data either captured with digital technology or through the simple exchange of ideas between people committed to sustainability.Discover our podcasts, webinars and innovation across Cummins.