康明斯BSVI SCR使生活变得简单
Reliable solutions for tension-free operations
- 康明斯is renowned for its reliable and durable engines with over 2 crores of its legendary engines powering the transportation industry globally today.
- 数十年来,在印度和世界各地进行了数十年的创新技术发展经验,经过了数十亿公里的测试。
- 在全球范围内成功实施欧元VI和同等规范。
- 康明斯BS IV SCR engine solutions有了可靠的技术,在印度道路上已经在广泛的高速公路应用程序中成功运行。
- 康明斯凭借其广泛的全球和本地经验,为印度客户提供了BS VI SCR引擎的准备。lol电子竞技
- 我们的BSVI引擎并集成了后处理系统,具有下一代燃料系统和电子控件,具有与经过验证的康明斯平台相似的鲁棒性和可靠性。
Easy to use SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)
- 与EGR系统相比,SCR系统具有更简单的体系结构。
- 关于康明斯SCR技术,当前从BSIVto BSVI is simpler since there are no major components or process changes involved.
- 选择性催化减少(SCR)是一种先进的主动排放控制技术系统,该系统通过特殊催化剂将汽车级尿素溶液注入柴油发动机的排气流中。
- This solution is known as Aqueous Urea Solution (AUS). The AUS sets off a chemical reaction that converts nitrogen oxides into nitrogen, water and tiny amount of carbon dioxide (CO2),我们呼吸的空气的天然组件,然后通过车辆尾管排出。
- 康明斯SCR系统已与柴油机颗粒过滤器结合使用,通过柴油发动机的颗粒物质来实现更大的排放减少。lol电子竞技
- 康明斯SCR可以将NOX排放量最高99%,同时将HC和CO排放量减少50-90%,而PM排放量则减少30-50%。
- 远程监视系统,带有客户的自助服务通知 - 报告引擎故障和最可能的根本原csgo菠菜网roll因
- Detection of mission critical performance of the engine translating to reduced Field Failures and identifying issues significantly sooner
- 高频数据记录与康明斯高级分析能力相结合,可以随着时间的推移提供发动机车辆的预后能力
The Cummins BSVI SCR Engine Makes You Successful
The most cost-effective and fuel-efficient technology
- BS VI SCR electronic engines offer better performance & higher peak torque range as compared to mechanical engines. This results in better fuel efficiency due to lesser gear shifts, as well as better drivability.
- It offers new advanced electronic features like FE (Fuel Efficiency) switch, LBSC (load-based speed control), VAM (vehicle acceleration management), duty cycle calibration tuning et al which further improves the fuel economy.
- With its customer-first approach, Cummins’ BS VI Engines offer features like the Cummins Intebrake a unique compression braking technology that offers better safety to the vehicle and increases service brake life, reducing costs.
- It features advanced filtration technology which helps extend service intervals and addresses inferior fuel quality issues.
- SCR发动机及其先进的燃油系统和改进的燃烧技术可提供一流的燃油经济性。
- 结合尿素水溶液(AUS),康明斯SCR提供了更好的流体经济性。
Connected Diagnostics uses advanced telematics to wirelessly connect your engine to Cummins for remote diagnosis of engine system and provides you with valuable information at your fingertips.
- 引擎的遥感和诊断
- Critical for complex parameters monitoring & performance deterioration tracking
- Enables over the air calibration updates
- Better fleet control & optimal resource utilization through near real time tracking
组件Care Centers
Responsive servicing for maximum uptime and higher productivity
- 康明斯has set up dedicated Components Care Centers (CCC) Equipped with world-class laboratories, dedicated workstations with latest technologies and technicians on site.
- These Centers will cater to all components service requirements for BSIV and BSVI emission norms and are a first of their kind in India.
- BS VI电子发动机,后处理系统,燃油系统,板载诊断(OBD)要求和发动机制动器的新排放标准和增加的复杂性,康明斯确保通过:csgo菠菜网rolllol电子竞技
- 设备齐全的技术人员使用最新的支持技术为任何服务请求提供及时的解决方案。csgo菠菜网roll
- 高级技术培训的专家。
- 支持for latest technologies.
- Unmatched network of aftermarket support.
- 全国无与伦比的服务质量。csgo菠菜网roll
Download the Cummins Component Care Centers in India
Ensuring quick maintenance capability countrywide
- 康明斯正在确保所有OEM(原始设备制造商)授权服务站经过全面培训和配备,以支持康明斯BSVI发动机。csgo菠菜网rolllol电子竞技
- 我们的8个BSVI培训货车穿越印度,为OEM经销店,健身制造商和驾驶员提供技术培训。
- 这些VAN可以使用实际产品,切割部分和模拟器进行实践培训,从而消除了前往集中式培训中心的耗时旅行。
- 有效,更快地提高人们对产品及其功能以及维护和使用指南的认识的方法。
- 康明斯BSVI培训促进了产品的最佳用途,并减少了用户引起的问题和可保证故障。