ISX15 SmartAdvantage™动力总成-HD卡车
298-336 kW
1966-2373 N•m
The Smart Way To Get A 3-6% Fuel Economy Advantage.
The new SmartAdvantage™ Powertrain takes the power of Cummins ISX15 with SmartTorque2 (ST2) and combines it with the smooth shifting of the Eaton Fuller Advantage 10-Speed Automated Transmission for improved fuel economy. The engine and transmission share critical data, determining the torque required to deliver the power level drivers need. Error-free, guessproof shifting makes every driver in your fleet as efficient as your best driver.
SmartAdvantage™动力总成专门提供带有SmartTorque2(ST2)的康明斯ISX15(ST2)。较高的扭矩在RPM范围内交付,因此您可以以1150 - 1240 rpm的速度巡航,并且仍然获得符合实时负载需求所需的扭矩和功率。通过降速,发动机与传输之间的优化通信以及有效使用直接驱动的结合,可以改善燃油经济性。这些先进的技术使驾驶员更容易在更大的“最佳位置”中运行,以获得更好的燃油经济性。
目前可获得四个评级:400 HP 1450/1650 LB-FT,400 HP 1550/1750 LB-FT,420 HP 1550/1750 LB-FT和450 HP 1550/1750 LB-FT。所有评级包括专有的SmartTorque2以及车辆加速管理。
车辆加速器管理是一项独特的电子功能,在SmartAdvantage Powertrain™中的康明斯ISX15 ST2发动机上自动启用。lol电子竞技它有助于从车辆发射开始加速速率,由于通过齿轮的效率更高,保持了更一致的加速度。VAM导致加速度更平滑并减少了传动系统磨损,同时增加了燃油经济性。
Eaton Fuller Advantage 10-Speed Automated Transmission.
New features of the Eaton Fuller Advantage 10-Speed Automated Transmission include the strategic use of lightweight components and Precision Lubrication. Small-step technology enables downspeeding in overdrive and efficiency in direct drive. Optimized shifting is based on grade, vehicle weight, engine torque and throttle position.
Fuel economy is further enhanced through precision lubrication. Precision lubrication technology reduces churning losses, and eliminates the need for a cooler in most applications, for reduced weight and increased reliability.
有关Eaton的Fuller Advantage 10速自动变速器的更多详细信息,请访问Roadranger.com/smartadvantage.