Ben Franklin began exploring electricity using a metal key attached to a kite during a thunderstorm—not a safe activity by today’s health and safety standards.
His theory was that storm clouds hold static electricity, and that lightnings are discharges of static electricity. Lightning would strike the key and electrify it, demonstrating that lightning and electricity are the result of the same phenomenon. He had the right idea, that lightning is the result of electrons traveling from the clouds to the ground, but he lacked the scientific concepts to fully express that idea.
His mantle was taken up and the 19th century saw rapid progress in electrical science, electrical engineering, andpower generation技术。
电力开拓者亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔(Alexander Graham Bell),尼古拉斯·特斯拉(Nicolas Tesla),沃纳·冯·西门子(Werner von Siemens)和更多人,有助于将电力从科学的好奇心转变为生活的重要组成部分。其中一些先驱者在此过程中创造了工业帝国。其中包括托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Edison)和乔治·韦斯汀(George Westinghouse)。爱迪生(Edison)和西屋(Westinghouse)也是工程史上最迷人的情节之一:电流战争。我们会回到这一点。
电是一个form of energy并由导电材料中的电子流组成。
Electrons are particles that are negatively charged and surround the atom. The nucleus of an atom contains positively charged particles called protons and particles with no charge called neutrons. Normally, an atom can only have as many electrons as it has protons. So, when the flow of electricity bumps an electron onto another atom, that is one too many electrons for the receiving atom. So, another electron is bumped to yet another atom. This is how electricity flows.
Where does electricity come from?
Let’s answer this question this backward.
Renewable electricity is simply the electricity generated using可再生能源来源。太阳能,风能和水力是产生可再生电力的三种最受欢迎的方法。
Demand for renewable electricity has been on the rise for two key reasons. The first is the affordability. Solar panels and wind turbines have become better and cheaper over the years. The second reason is around environmental concerns. The tolerance for the emissions associated to fossil power plants is rapidly declining. This drives the trend in replacing fossil power plants with renewable energy resources.
What are AC and DC electricity?
当我们说北美的电力供应为60 Hz时,这意味着AC流的方向每秒变化60次。将AC视为运动型快速赛车中的曲轴。它有多个气缸,推动曲柄轴移动汽车,但气缸并未同时推动曲轴。他们一起推动汽车,这种运动感觉像是持续的运动。
In the early days of electrification, DC and AC were both seen as valid ways to generate, transport, distribute and consume electricity. This takes us back to Edison and Westinghouse.
Fragments of Edison’s DC electrical system remained in New York City well into the 20th century, serving for example old buildings that had DC elevators or the subway system, whose trains were also running on DC. The last DC service customer in Manhattan, a building on 40th Street, was disconnected as late as 2007.
有趣的是,DC输电线路正在某些应用中卷土重来。例如,对于将海上风电场带回陆地产生的电力的海底电缆来说,它们是一个共同的选择。The reason that DC lines can connect to the AC network is that we now have power electronics that can convert electricity between DC and AC with minimal losses—power electronics hadn’t been invented in the 19th century, so Edison and Westinghouse didn’t have that option.
AC, DC and renewable electricity
Interestingly, the rise of可再生能源从太阳能和风资中,引起了DC电力的兴趣。有几个原因。
Another reason is the fact that PV panels can only produce DC electricity.
Power Electronics尚未在19世纪发明,不幸的是,对于Edison和Westinghouse而言,这一选择不可让他们调和。