
康明斯公司(Cummins Inc.)今天在COP26的聚光灯下享受了一会儿,因为查尔斯王子宣布该公司是来自Terra Carta Seal世界各地的45位就职接收者之一。
这seal recognizes businesses for their commitment to environmental sustainability and decarbonization. Speaking at an art museum not far from the global climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, the Prince of Wales called on all businesses to take a leadership role in the transition to a more sustainable, no-carbon future.
“The Terra Carta Seal recognizes those organizations which have made a serious commitment to a future that is much more sustainable, and puts nature, people and the planet at the heart of the economy,” Prince Charles said. “We all need to make changes if we are to preserve the planet for our children and grandchildren and these businesses have pledged to make it easier for us all to do so.”

受大宪章的启发,中世纪的文件仍然是世界各地自由的重要象征,Terra Carta是地球的恢复计划,是王子可持续市场倡议的指导性授权。这initiative seeks建立一个全球行业论坛,以保护世界资源的方式来重组其运营。
在其10种原则中,Terra Carta要求将积极和负面的社会和环境成本嵌入商品和服务中,以鼓励可持续的选择,可持续替代方案的激励措施以及消除过渡的障碍。csgo菠菜网roll康明斯支持碳定价,将市场的力量推向了低碳的未来,并激励了客户进行过渡。
“As the Terra Carta recognizes, sustaining a vibrant economy while using fewer of the earth’s resources is the challenge of our time,” said Cummins Chairman and CEO Tom Linebarger. “Our mission of making people’s lives better by powering a more prosperous world requires a healthier planet, and it will take all of us working together to solve the world’s climate challenges. Being part of the Sustainable Markets Initiative is both a great honor and a great responsibility.”
As part of its approach to环境管理,康明斯渴望到2050年成为碳中性。康明斯还迅速成为对绿色氢至关重要的电解剂制造的领导者,这是一种有希望的无碳燃料,并加速了在氢气上运行的内燃机的开发。
这company advocates for climate action through its membership in several organizations, including Business Ambition for 1.5°C, the CEO Climate Dialogue, the Business Roundtable and the Hydrogen Council, a global coalition of CEOs working to accelerate the use of green hydrogen. Linebarger serves as co-chair of the Hydrogen Council.
Terra Carta密封的其他首届接收者包括美国银行,百事可乐,Salesforce和Xerox。可持续市场倡议预计,随着更多公司加入其竞选活动以应对世界气候挑战,每年都会增加更多接收者。