康明斯印度赢得Excon妇女建筑印度奖 - 包容性工作场所 - 均等机会奖

作为康明斯在Excon Show的百年纪念的一部分,庆祝了100年的技术,并展示了该公司在印度的建筑领域广泛的产品。
今年,康明斯印度被授予“Excon妇女建筑印度奖 - 包容性工作场所 - 均等机会奖”由联盟道路,运输与高速公路和微型,中小型企业(Meme)Nitin Gadkari和Karnataka首席部长B S Yediyurappa的手中。
多样性和包容性是关于认识和评估我们的差异,并使用这些差异来提供卓越的结果。这是关于反映和理解我们在世界各地运营的社区。这是关于真正重视所有人的观点和经验 - 不是他们的差异,而是因为它们的差异。
Harmeet Mehra - 印度传播负责人ABO
+91 98231 39900
阿伦·达桑(Arun Dasan)
+91 99305 50024
康明斯印度有限公司(Cummins India Limited)是印度康明斯集团(Cummins Group)的一部分,自1962年以来一直在浦那成立,是该国柴油机和天然气发动机的领先制造商,用于发电,工业和汽车市场。lol电子竞技康明斯印度有限公司(Cummins India Limited)拥有20个经销商的全国性网络,拥有超过450个服务点,可为印度,尼泊尔和不丹的客户提供康明斯设备和csgo菠菜网roll发动机的正常运行时间的产品,服务和售后解决方案。lol电子竞技
康明斯公司(Cummins Inc.csgo菠菜网rollThe company’s products range from diesel, natural gas, electric and hybrid powertrains and powertrain-related components including filtration, aftertreatment, turbochargers, fuel systems, controls systems, air handling systems, automated transmissions, electric power generation systems, batteries, electrified power systems, hydrogen generation and fuel cell products. Headquartered in Columbus, Indiana (U.S.), since its founding in 1919, Cummins employs approximately 59,900 people committed to powering a more prosperous world through three global corporate responsibility priorities critical to healthy communities: education, environment and equality of opportunity. Cummins serves its customers online, through a network of company-owned and independent distributor locations, and through thousands of dealer locations worldwide and earned about $2.1 billion on sales of $24.0 billion in 2021.