美国陆军奖康明斯公司(Cummins Inc.

The recently awarded Other Transaction Authority (OTA) contract builds upon a competitive multi-year effort from the U.S. Army’s Ground Vehicle Systems Center (GVSC) to develop transformational powertrain technology that is power dense, thermally efficient, modular, scalable, and affordable enough to enable the toughest mobility, survivability, and lethality vehicle requirements. Furthermore, the OTA allows for transitioning the new technology into the next generation of vehicle programs ahead of the programs’ launch dates.
“我们很高兴能够继续与康明斯在高级战斗引擎(ACE)开发方面的宝贵合作伙伴关系;美国陆军Devcom地面车辆系统中心研究与一体综合总监Alfred Grein说:“陆军地面车辆的引擎盖下也是推动我们团队提高能力开发的努力的原因。”“该项目是我们研发工作的关键部分,我们将ACE视为适用于当前和未来战斗车的传统和混合电动动力总成的潜在推动者。”
康明斯电力系统副总裁兼总裁Norbert Nusterer说:“ ACE提供了美国陆军岩石牢固的康明斯发动机性能以及可配置的灵活建筑,以支持其完整的战斗机组合。”“ ACE还提供了将已经在商业领域进行的投资中纳入混合体系结构和利用康明斯的专业知识的选项。我们很高兴扩大和加深与美国陆军的长期关系,并为支持当前和下一代战斗车的更多尖端技术提供了更多的尖端技术。”
康明斯发动机今天lol电子竞技比其他任何品牌都在追踪的战车中。作为全世界的防御目的的柴油发动机和发电机组的主要供应商,康明lol电子竞技斯了解美国军方的需求。在每个任务中,康明斯驱动的设备都以优异的态度提供了耐用性,可靠性和性能的最高称赞。Achates Power是康明斯(Cummins)的反对活塞技术合作伙伴,也是对立的活塞发动机技术的公认专家。
“将我们对立的活塞技术与康明斯的强大发动机设计,制造和新产品介绍功能相结合,使我们能够为军事运营创造高性能且可靠的引擎,” Achates Power的总裁兼首席执行官Dave Crompton说。“ Achates Power很高兴继续支持Cummins作为创建下一代战斗机发动机的关键技术合作伙伴。”lol电子竞技
康明斯公司(Cummins Inc.csgo菠菜网rollThe company’s products range from diesel, natural gas, electric and hybrid powertrains and powertrain-related components including filtration, aftertreatment, turbochargers, fuel systems, controls systems, air handling systems, automated transmissions, electric power generation systems, batteries, electrified power systems, hydrogen generation and fuel cell products. Headquartered in Columbus, Indiana (U.S.), since its founding in 1919, Cummins employs approximately 59,900 people committed to powering a more prosperous world through three global corporate responsibility priorities critical to healthy communities: education, environment and equality of opportunity. Cummins serves its customers online, through a network of company-owned and independent distributor locations, and through thousands of dealer locations worldwide and earned about $2.1 billion on sales of $24.0 billion in 2021.